so i haven't been getting to sleep as early as i'd like lately which leads to mindless hours of internet usage. the other night i put that time to good use (and by good use i mean a basic waste of late night time) and scanned through the skirts for sale at I came across some really interesting stuff and i do mean interesting good/cute/brilliant as well as interesting scary/crappy/strange. I appreciate everyone's right to their own creative free will, but let me just say that some people are simply wasting their time. maybe that seems harsh but that's how it goes.
on a less bitchy note i found some really cool stuff...all of which i'd love to have. i'm beginning to think that buying clothes in actual stores is a little bit overrated when there are so many talented people on the internet trying to make a little money plus you never have to worry about showing up to a party/bar/shindig and having the same shirt on as the one person there that annoys you more than anyone else. so anyways here are all the lovely finds.

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