so i've always had an interesting obsession with japan: the culture, the food, the fashion, etc. sanrio originated there, so maybe that's what started it. i've always wanted to take a trip there, and i will someday, but until then i use the internet to satiate my obsession.
here are some looks from recent collections of my favorite japanese designers. there is something to be said about japanese fashion. they live in a different world. trends are important, but there are so many people there who choose to create their own style and express themselves through clothing, which i admire immensely. the designers from japan also drum to a different beat. the colors, looks, fabrics, and draping techniques are brilliant. many of the looks can't be translated into an "american style" so it often get overlooked, but i think the creativity and beauty generated by japanese designers is so much more imaginative and exciting. while i think all fashion designers are artists in some way, japanese designers may be more artist than designer, in my opinion at least.

i frequent a website called this website features trends, street styles, and store bios from different areas of japan. i could spend years just looking through all of the interesting stuff they have complied. some of store bios are written in japanese, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Here are a few pictures of some stores i've found on that website that i must visit before i die. again, the creativity and the affinity for individualism just touches my heart. maybe i was born in the wrong country, maybe i just need to learn the language and relocate.

Women's clothing store SOL
nice post