

did you think I was ever coming back? I know, I don't blame you. I've been busy with real life and the blog is the first to go. (so sad) I've also been sans picture taking partner which makes all of this pretty hard. (yes I know what a tripod is, yes I hate to use it)

this will be a quick catch up with (count 'em) 2 outfit updates! Neither outing was super exciting but, if you've been reading long enough, getting dressed up with no where to go is kinda my favorite.

Tank . Free People
Black Pencil . Old Navy
Knot Sandals . Target
Shades . Maui Jim via The Eclectic Eye
Faux Pearls . gift

I rarely enjoy showing my knees. This isn't some sort of religious preference or shame of my body...I'm just excessively clumsy and usually have some pretty sick looking scars/bruises. Now that summer is on it's way back in I'm trying to ease myself back into it. not easy. I spent the whole afternoon trying to pull this skirt down past my knees.

My most recent bruising is from an outing to the skating rink. I was very rusty yet extremely brave, which resulted in golf ball sized knees. I had a great time doing it though and even had a few kids laughing at me. Always a win. With skirt/short weather on it's way I'm try to remember to be extra careful, but you know, walking is hard!

yay, i love pockets.
yay, i love pairing nude with black.

Dress . Target
Leather Jacket . WISH
Lacey Leggings . Victoria's Secret
Sling Backs . Franco Sarto
3strand crystal necklace . Express
Headwear . gift from my sister


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