I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their families and friends. I thought I'd share with you the wonderful things my generous family gave me this year. I have to say I really lucked out and got even more that I bargained for. Enjoy the meep!

My adorable little piggy bank given to me by my boyfriend. WARNING: This is a cash only piggy!

The most amazing gift! My new camera (hooray) a Nikon D3000. You know what this means...no more horrible iphone photos and so so many outfit updates to come once I get a tripod and figure out the self timer.

Gold TOMS via my wonderful sister and brother-in-law. I've worn them constantly since getting them and they pretty much go with everything. love.

Turquoise fingerless gloves....a must for anyone with an iphone.

BEAUTIFUL leather and rabbit fur gloves from my boyfriend's family. These are so nice and so fancy and so me. I've actually been looking at thrift stores for something like this. perfect gift.

Cancer mug from my parents. As you can see I've already had hot cocoa out of it. The best part is the it is GIANT, which I love. Plus, I sort of think the description is spot on.

I love to read even though I don't have a ton of time to dedicate to it but, if I find a good book I usually have a hard time putting it down. I have a few authors that I read religiously, but I usually look for suggestions online or ask for recommendations. My sister gave me this and I read the first 30 pages in about 15 minutes which usually means good things.

towels from my grandmother. She has a great embroidery machine and does some really beautiful stuff. The gray towel is a wrap with hello kitty ribbion...so cute!

A friend from Las Vegas sent this to Chris and me for the holidays. I'm really excited to eat all of the wonderful things Chris creates using this. Zucchini bread is my favorite...hint, hint.

This scarf was given to me by my grandmother and she put my initials on it. I absolutely love it.

Smashbox makeup kit from my sister and brother-in-law. This is A-MAZZ-ING. I'm boring when it comes to make up and rarely shop for it. I've been wearing the same color pallet for years and red lipstick is about as exciting as it gets. Well, that's all history thanks to this. I'm going to have to start carving out more than 10 minutes to do my makeup.