so i follow a lot of blogs. there are so many interesting people laying their lives out on the internet for the world to see and I'm super nosy so of course I LOVE this. If i had an endless amount of free time i'd be reading blogs forever. My version of heaven = shopping, coffee, and blog reading. I find that I'm inspired by them more than anything else and that is the main reason I can't get enough. If you'd like to check out some of the blogs I frequent please reference the side bar. Be careful an addiction may ensue. You can't say I didn't warn you.
getting on with things...
My favorite fashion blog, by far, is Sea of Shoes. Jane, the girl who writes the blog, has amazing style and is a very talented photographer. I love that she's a southern girl with a fashion brain. Her creativity is showcased through her outfit posts, shoe selections, and overall style...which is nothing short of brilliant (did i say that already...well it is). She's beautiful and she's a jet-setter. She had a fitting at the Chanel showroom in Paris. Her shoe collection is endless. Do I need to go on?? Are you extremely jealous yet?? Yep, that's what i thought. Just bookmark her blog and read it religiously. I promise it will enhance your life.
She not only writes this amazing blog...she has a bunch of side projects. One of those is a shoe line available at Urban Outfitters. I knew i'd love it before I even saw it and i was right. We all know that my shoe budget is pretty much negative but i probably won't be able to keep myself from purchasing a few of these. I love supporting brands and people I truly believe in plus her vision is cutecutecute.
I don't really know this girl but I know that if I did we'd be best friends. maybe that seems odd to you, or even creepy, but fashion brings people together unlike any other force. I've never had expectations for this blog but if I can provide inspiration to just one person, like sea of shoes has done for me, I'm on my where I can't say but we'll figure that out later.

(these are AMAZING and on sale. if my size is still in stock when i get my next paycheck i might just have to make these mine! omg. i'm excited just thinking about it.)

(i'm in love with these shoes and they are officially on my christmas list.)
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